The Harden Kite Festival encourages you to participate as a sponsor.
There are many interesting festival activities to involve your business/organisation through sponsorship.
The event would not be delivered without the financial assistance of our sponsors.
Many of our sponsors not only assist financially but also actively participate with ground-level tasks.
The festival is very appreciative of the support and dedication of our wonderful sponsors.
Thank you very much
A copy of the Harden Kite Festival Sponsorship Propectus can be downloaded here
We look forward to hearing from you

Applications have closed and we are not taking anymore stallholders for 2024 Harden Kite Festival. We are grateful for all your support, please apply next year.
Harden Kite Festival entertainment invites expressions of interest each year. We would like to invite entertainers to contact us if they are interested in performing at our festival.
Please note, unfortunately we will only be in touch if we wish to discuss your application further. Rest assured we review all submissions and genuinely appreciate artists making the effort to apply. Thank you

The Harden Kite Festival offers a unique opportunity to fly with professional kite flyers who come from all over Australia and are an essential part of our community event.
The Festival draws on assistance from over 50-100 volunteers working with the Harden Kite Festival Committee to ensure the ultimate success of the event.
New volunteers are welcome to join the Harden Kite Festival Team via contact us.

Harden Kite Festival Advisory Committee
The Harden Kite Festival Committee is a committee of Council and meets every month on the 4th Monday during March to October at HRDC Office, unless otherwise announced on our Facebook Page. All welcome.
2024 Harden Kite Festival Committee Meeting Dates
Mon 26th Feb, 5.30pm – casual catch up
Mon 25th March, 5.30pm
Mon 29th April, 5.30pm – AGM
Mon 27th May, 5.30pm
Mon 24th June, 5.30pm
Mon 29th July, 5.30pm
Mon 26th August, 5.30pm
Mon 30th Sept, 5.30pm
Mon 28th Oct, 5.30pm
Committee Meeting Location: HRDC Office, 54 Neill Street, Harden NSW 2587